Sensitive. Self Clarification.
Sensitive, perceptive to a change, able to understand the feelings of others, able to express their feelings through creative mediums such as arts and literature, or simply just being easily offended. These are the multiple meanings of the word, used under various contexts and situations.
But what does it actually mean for a person who is labelled as sensitive, if they are able to express themselves through creative modes of communication that's fantastic isn't it? I mean not everyone can come up with a really good story, or poetry or amaze someone with their skills on a canvass or sing? The world appreciates the work, but not a lot of people can produce that quality of work. So, a sensitive person should be really happy that they are able to do something which a lot of others can't do. Fair enough, it makes sense for sure.
But there is a drawback, sensitive people express themselves indirectly, they are bound to make sure someone can read or see their work, and get the message. But that rarely happens, when you are sensitive you find yourself constantly trapped by thoughts which should not normally bother a person. There is this need for closure, and it does not let you rest till you do something about it. But you doing something about it does not mean that something will happen, most of the times you get shut down, like the times you squat that pesky fly that's been bothering you. Yep, that kind of a shut down. You were friends with someone and then that person decides to part ways without explaining, that's one of the times where you need closure for sure. Your friend deciding to part ways is acting on his/her terms, but you are effected by it and you want an answer, sometimes no one wants to give an answer and you are there withering in mental agony. Then what do you do? Well it is simple, as Epictetus goes on to say "If (a way things appear) concerns anything outside of your control, train yourself not to worry about it"
Ah great, the wise man has laid out the principle for us, let me try to use it. Oh.... f#ck me, that sh!t did not work!!!
There's a catch to it, see the word train up there in the quotation, I have underlined, highlighted and put it in italics. You would be like, okay you now you want me to run through 100s of similar experiences before I can actually be "trained". Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but yes and it sucks! and it's a long process. It cannot be learnt overnight, but there's a pretty neat thing called self clarification, and you use that to clarify yourself further about what is it do you want, what is it that the person can offer you, how does it effect your life, how does not getting it effect you and what are the potential pros and cons of letting it go. Once you ask yourself these questions, you can streamline a lot of things, notice that as you answer them, you feel a sort of tranquility, that inner peace sh!t, yep that exactly.
And what's with the cursing, did I lose my readership? You have to be honest to yourself, and at times cursing is the thing you have to try. Don't aim it at your boss cause he/she was being a$$hol£ with the something, if it is a frequent happening then please do have something to grace that wonderful human being with.
And if you really want to read something fun but also a philosophical and self help thing, please read Assholes by Aaron James. It is actually worth your time, if you are an asshole you're in for a wonderful time cause he describes your kind perfectly!
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