Hoarding away.
I was bored, but not because I don't have anything to do but because I have cannot find the motivation. I scrolled through Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter but I all I could do was scroll and scroll, an unnecessary habit. An uninvited guest, but life seems so dull and dry without the exuberant colors of the social media. One video, one post and one tweet is all followed by another. Draining entirely, but it perpetuates a cycle of ongoing crisis in the lives of so many, day after day you would scroll through the same media platforms, waiting for one good post after another. Captivated behind the screen.
To break this cycle, I read a short story by Sadaat Hassan Manto. The writer fallen from grace for many, but a savior for someone like me. His stories force me to think behind the message he has, what must it be that was going through his mind when he penned this certain story down, and what can I learn from it. The picture he painted in that story, of how people are wandering here and there without a thought.
We get through the day, killing the hours and looking up to tomorrow. But what good is that? The focus is more on to just get through the day, as if something huge is waiting at the horizon when the rays of sun will shine on the new day. But guess what, that tomorrow would be just like today because we are so used to the idea of looking up to tomorrow, what if there is no tomorrow? There are so many lives which will not be able to see tomorrow, what does it mean for them? If they leave this life just waiting for tomorrow.
At some stage, we need to make a decision about what to hold on and what to let go. We get confused, so many of us are used to having things being handed to us, without thinking much about this or that,
we are unable to decide what we want. Ever get confused with a menu at a new place? The fancy fonts, the different names and all you can think about is what would be a safe bet. Critically thinking about what a choice would lead to is something that a lot of us don't want to look up to because that would lead us to think about letting go of things. A lot of us become hoarders, just because we feel comfortable, not that we need to hold-on to so much but because it gives a certain comfort in knowing that there's something to fall back to. At the end of the day, we can always fall back to the idea of looking up to tomorrow just like we fall back to the idea of having something at least. Be it relationships, be it friendships or a career, a half hearted try would always have something being hoarded underneath,
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