The day, Today

Was driving to college today when this dog, white with brown spots, comes running onto the road, I put the foot on the brake pedal and the speed came down, the dog just stopped a few inches short from the bumper and then when I was taking the U turn to enter the college gate, it again came rushing but luckily there wasn't any harm done to the animal or to anyone else.
So the rotation in Pediatrics is almost over, just the last three days remaining. I thought I'd go and practice some methods and review some interesting cases but I had simply lost that drive, I'll try to give it another go tomorrow. 
Sometimes it's really motivating when you have a good friend along with you in the ward to just give you that little push which you need to get going but there isn't anyone. 
Progress has been made, slow progress, but slowly and steadily it's building up into something good, there is clarity, the confusion is going away and the goals are becoming clearer and clearer.
When you ride a bicycle after a long time, it takes a few pedals to get used to pushing yourself but once you get going and feel the wind in your hair, it just makes you want to keep pedaling on and on, and I am just making myself learn how to keep pedaling.
If anyone of you who's reading ever had self confidence issues, running from the problem will never yield a solution, be sure to put yourself into a situation where you'll be tested again and again so that everything comes to you naturally. Remember, if you don't balance yourself and try to pedal, you'll fall over. Hold onto that handlebar and keep yourself balanced, enjoy whatever you can afford and just consider this, isn't it better to spend yourself understanding yourself rather than just taking what you hear from people. Know yourself, trust yourself and be that magician who makes wonders out of the ordinary.
Sometimes we all are just like that animal, confused and lost, but that is what life is all about, surviving the unknown and still making something good out of it all. I figured these blogposts would help me and they certainly do.
That's it for today.


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