It only happens in the dreams.

She was naive, a bit shy, someone you would see sitting near the window of a cafe, looking outside as the people would walk by. There was something beautiful about her, quite subtle but enough to make you think. Could it be the shyness or the mysterious look on her face, you probably would not be able to pin point it. 
The path would cross, an occasional greeting and off to our own destination, at times this was the sole excitement of the day. The brunette with her fair complexion, flawless skin and a voice full of reason, she could make you wonder if this all was a dream. Very true, it could be one, indeed it could be!

Take one step, but to break the ice is not an easy task. you need at least five steps, yeah that's about right. So with the intention of breaking the ice, I decided to take the mighty five steps.
The first one, she never really gave any importance. 
The second one, she did notice but another occasional Hi!
Okay so the third one, it might have aroused her curiosity.
The fourth one, it intimidated her.
and the mighty fifth one, well that she ran the marathon and I did not see her for a while. 
The marathon finished, she had won. All good things to those who wait, the wise words of Hannibal Lecter, you could feel the shivers down your spine as the words would echo, in the voice of Sir Anthony Hopkins, a brilliant performance but nonetheless this was nothing short of a Golden globe.
The winters have finished, time to bid farewell to coffee and embrace the wonderful cup of tea. 

The season has finished, but perhaps she still is the naive one sitting in that cafe, but indeed, the happily ever after does happen in the dreams only. 


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