Zero F***s

Time teaches you a lot, one of the things that you take some time to learn is that people are sh!t.  It takes sometime not to give a f*** but you know the earlier you learn how to, the better life is for you. At the end of the day, in all honesty you wouldn't even want to be in touch with 90% of the people you once worked with. 
The best description of someone is their work ethics and the respect they give to their co-workers. Respect does not simply mean just being polite, it means honoring your words, owing your mistakes and finishing your part of the job.
This world does not stop for anyone, mostly people never consider what you had done for them instead they show their true colors, sheer disappointment in its finest. Those who enjoy the most market value are the ones who don the mask of hypocrisy. 
Once you're surrounded by this crap, you realize these people pull you in such things which drains the stamina you have, fills you up with frustration and you're just standing there wondering what kind of people am I dealing with?

The best thing is to put your head down, give zero F***s  and just let them do whatever they want. 


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