Are you important?

Yesterday I was scrolling through the facebook feed and there was this post which was shared by a friend of mine. The post was about one of his colleague who had passed away at a young age, 24. I never knew the young man but from what I read he was an absolute gem.
So I was wondering something, here is someone who was a brilliant student and an athlete, who passed away so young and so unexpectedly, can we actually be sure of what might happen just in the next few seconds. We worry about things that wouldn't even matter, cry about relationships that weren't meant to be, yearn for conversations with someone with whom we can never even be on the same page, and the irony is something very beautiful, it simply is a lack of direction.
Why do we run after things and people who are just not meant for us, its perfect to disagree, that's the whole point of being in a discussion but life is not always a discussion. Negating the importance of what's true and meaningful for something that is just a waste of time and effort, is it wise?
Waiting for the text, looking at the last seen status, the blue tick on whatsapp, whatever even, why? And the cherry on top is that, you don't even mean a thing to that person.
One of my professor says, "the day you think you're the best physician in town is the day you're replaced"
The reality of the world is that there will always be someone who will be better than you, what matters is that how important you are to someone. You can always find a better blog than this one, but the thing that would matter to me is this blog important to you?
How important are you? Are the right people important to you? Focus on that, keep your company small but make sure that everyone who is in that list is priceless and irreplaceable


  1. People come and people go.that's a reality of life. Sad but it iss.
    I'm sure what's bothering you today, won't bother you tomorrow . Hopefully . And the right people for you, will find their way back to you.


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