Days without the drive

September, the month which acts like a bridge between the summers and winters, I recall the last few years which I can accurately remember and in all those years a common denominator is lack of drive, the lack of motivation. I coined a named for it, September syndrome, fancy isn't it?
Ah so this September is a special one, it's the last September in which I'll be a students cause starting the coming February, I'll earn the right to put the title of Dr. before my name. Well that just sounds sweet.
So more on this newly coined syndrome, a slight lack of energy, which isn't something huge but still significant enough to make you realize that hey this is not my usual drive, something has decreased it a bit, it's just like trying to jog wearing wearing oxfords, it's just not giving that satisfaction and not to mention that your feet might hurt later on. I can do better but I just don't find that energy for it, depression nah it's not that dark, just perhaps its something that how all this time passed and now I have to be an adult and you know be responsible. If you're a student and you think college or univ life sucks, well there are some days and some bad days, but it doesn't suck. You can't change everything but one you can change is your perspective, be positive. Life's all about positivity. and if you also suffer from a low drive in September, now you know what to call it as September syndrome. It could probably be seasonal affective disorder but idk that has a lot of depression. and it ain't that bad. Also yes I remember, the last year I had a mess which I had to resolve which I didn't and when I did some of it tried to come back in life. Perhaps, it's the wrong crowd or something. identify it and work your way around it. Be positive, cause you never know when you might be able to light a fire in this world of darkness which has surrounded you for now.


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