Existentialism, a change, lost and others thoughts

I had previously mentioned in the posts about my new found love for reading, I finished the subtle art of not giving a f*ck, I was thinking about either to pick up the other title from Mark Manson or to shift to something else. A few moments later, I decided to start with a little book I bought, All the matters: Existentialism.
I would say that I found it hard to break down and it was an equal struggle to make myself read it, particularly because a) it was not related to medicine b) psychology sounds interesting but is not that easy to understand c) its not easy.
Anyhow, after a couple of minutes I started to decode it in my own capacity, whatever I could make out of it. Having gotten up till page 33, I say it's some great progress.
The first book I recently read was the alchemist, then the mark manson one and now this, even though they are pretty different in their genres but there's a common lesson I have learned : I need start understanding myself, decide what life should be like and make changes, all these steps need to take place in order to grasp contentment in life.
Contentment is not judged by your possessions nor is it reached by a certain lifestyle but simply by finding satisfaction and accepting your flaws, your shortcoming and then adopting measures to yield gratification.
Reading books is not tough, it takes some effort but being able to evaluate yourself, accept yourself and working your way around it is hard and at times, appears nearly impossible.
But here's the interesting part, it only becomes difficult because of what we are unwilling to lose, what we have used as a measure to judge ourselves and now we are scared of losing that status we have given to ourselves. The more I read, the more I can unwind myself and feel some degree of peace surrounding my life. Though, it is a long time commitment but it feels great to finally have started.
You feel lost as you embark on this journey, the most important question surrounding you is this, what if you don't find anything? the answer is this, you don't know if you'll be successful or unsuccessful but there's only one way to know, that is simply by trying it.
In the words of Friedrich Neitzsche, "we can only destroy as creators"


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