A sunrise at the beach

 I had been wanting to see the sunrise on the beach for a while now. This past Sunday, I decided to give it a go and left around quarter to 7. It seemed like it was going to be another cloudy day, twenty minutes into the drive and there was this majestic view. The clouds had given way to the Sun, it was beautiful and now I had hopes that yes, finally I might be able to see the view that I had been wanting to see. 

I parked my car and yes, I had finally made it in time and there it was that view. I was happy, there were very few people that day and it was really beautiful out there. I'll attach a few photos as well. I spent a good two hours there, took some photos, walked on the beach and just enjoyed the views. On the way back, I could finally wear my Clubmaster prescription sunglasses. Talk about finishing off the day in style. 

I was talking to a friend of mine and I said at the end of the day we all want to be loved. Love has many shapes and forms, and all in all it is the comfort of not feeling alone. One of the hard things to do in life is expressing how one feels when they feel alone, everyone acts out differently. Some vocalize and some stay silent. The ones who vocalize their concerns think that it might get them noticed, the ones who stay silent think that since silence is the biggest expression of how one feels that they will get their silence understood. But there is one fundamental aspect that we just don't seem to calculate and that is something we cannot control. In medicine, we say that there are modifiable risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases and there are some non-modifiable risk factors. So that is the fundamental factor, how the other person perceives and then acts on them. Some people reply silence with silence, some people reply silence by breaking the ice. Some people reply to your concerns by their own concerns, and some people just hit the mute button and let it all play. How the other person acts is their own choice, we cannot control that but does reading this or understanding help us how we feel. The answer is no, we don't feel happy knowing anything about it; the simple reason is because we have invested a part of our self in expressing how we feel like, and for that matter we want to be acknowledged and shown that yes, we are not alone. How the other person responds is entirely a matter beyond our control. They can choose to either ignore or to act on it, it is all how they want things to go. 

I miss my dog. May be he misses me too. 


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