The Change series: part 3 Accepting things as they are.

 I was working today with one of the most helpful and humble consultants. When I had joined the department, he used to tell me that don't let things get to you and don't work with your heart instead work with your mind. The heart is full of emotions, if you're not successful then the emotions run high. It puts you under stress and decreases your chances of being successful in the successive attempts. 

Initially I would've argued that if I don't work with my heart then how am I supposed to be passionate in what I am doing! The answer is simple, you have to use everything situation to the best of your abilities, use whatever resources that can improve your chances of being successful. In the end you have to facilitate a process, so focus on achieving the result and making everything safe. In anaesthesia, you have to facilitate the surgery and ensure that intraoperatively things are managed as smoothly as they could be. This facilitation of a process brings me to the next point, something out of the professional life and into the ordinary life. 

As a human being with a social and a personal life, we facilitate so many events in the daily life. These events can be conducted very smoothly if things are calculated and balanced. Dealing things rationally. Make thing systemic and let them flow smoothly. Accept that if things are supposed to come your way, they will and nothing can stop them. But if something is not meant to come your way, you cannot force it to reach you. You can keep trying, but you lose your chances of being successful by not modifying the strategy. You can learn from the mistakes, and improve on them rather than making the same mistakes over and over. The hardest thing to accept is that emotions are not needed for most of the things, make things flow smoothly. Distance the emotions out, and keep them hidden from others. Use your emotions in your "me" time and express them through creativity. Remember, no one needs to validate your emotions because they are an expression of how you feel not how someone else feels. This lesson is not an easy one, and I am not sure if I will fully grasp it or not but here's to trying and seeing how things go ahead.

Whoever is reading my blog now that I've stopped sharing the links, I hope you're finding it worthwhile and not being bored to death. 

Till another day.


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