Medicine ward test; it's better to smile

I have a very strange relationship with medicine, its a very complex, if you want to think about what kind of a relationship it is, I suggest you to imagine if you had an introvert personality, and, suddenly you are told to deliver a speech in front of a crowd of college students. You'll be sweating, your legs shaking, your confidence going down the drain as the crowd; you mumble, thinking you make sense but you make no sense at all.
Yeah something like this goes on with me and whenever I give the medicine ward test, I lose confidence one way or the other.
While we were having the OSCE, a patient was breathing his last breaths and alas he passed away as we were rotating between the stations. Soon he was covered in a white sheet from head to toe, I was at a rest station at that time, being someone like me who is sensitive and feels the emotions of everyone who is around, I found it somewhat like a challenge to not think about it. I saw the faces of his relative, sad, teary but life never stops. There were 20 more beds in the ward, everyone carried on their routine. Life does not stop. I wonder how much I would break down when I lose a patient on my duty, medicine is something, nothing less than a gamble. Sometimes you win and your patient survives, sometimes you lose and your patient departs from this world. May be it stings really bad the first few times a young doctor sees such a tragedy but then a deal is struck with faith, we live and then we die. Inhumane it may sound but that is life.
My ward test, I may pass it, I hope I do.
The fear of medicine ward started back in third year, ah I had so many issues back then and then fourth year and then the final year, I came around the fear but I wish I could have done that earlier on.
You have rough days, you have smooth days, you have happy days and the sad ones, life keeps moving. Medicine teaches you a lot of things, but the most beautiful thing it teaches you, never give up, try hard, try again and try to make a difference. What keeps me going is knowing that someday I will be treating someone, and I wish I would save every life I can. You dont get it again, so you should be grateful wherever you are, reading this. Be grateful and learn to smile. Its easier to frown but its better to smile


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