
Showing posts from April, 2013

Killing isolation

Killing isolation by being what you truly are

Killing isolation by expecting what should be expected.

Killing isolation by choosing the right team members

Thank you Ma'am

Killing isolation with trust

Killing isolation by choosing the right people

Killing isolation with self confidence

Kill isolation by breathing in hope

Killing isolation by leaving at shut up calls

killing isolation with your voice

Killing Isolation with hope

Killing isolation by stop pretending

Are we making people go into Isolation?

Killing Isolation part 1

If we failed

Giving up and being so close

The simple gifts

Not ours to hold

It doesn't matter if you're the black sheep

Don't change

What do you call it?

A smile and it felt better

Realising what's along the journey

A taste and a need

Is he a lone ranger or does he have make up on?

be what you are

Don't give easy fights

The guiders

Someone like a diamond

The first step

Green on green


The one bestie

Friends are what defines life

A song for a friend

Good people help you connect

more photos

The photos

New photos be posted later on the day and gracias

The photo

Thank you guys

Was it worth it?

everything happens for a reason

All the memories in 5 minutes

Hello there